Baie Ternay

Baie Ternay
A paradise for snorkelers and divers, the Baie Ternay Marine Park is treasured for its astounding vistas, with pristine seashore fringed by calm turquoise shallows and abundant marine life. With no direct coastal road access, this Park retains its exclusivity and natural beauty. It supports an interesting combination of coastal habitats comprising of sandy shores, rocky shores, sea grass beds and coral reefs. The Marine Park provides an exhilarating experience with possibilities for spotting whale sharks, dolphins and sea turtles. The vast seagrass beds inside the bay, are vital turtle feeding grounds. Here, hawksbill turtles, cone shells, baby sharks and the well-camouflaged moray eels are commonly encountered while large clusters of catfish are also often seen sheltering amongst the granite boulders.
Nestling between two hills bordering the Morne Seychellois National Park, Baie Ternay is one of the most sought after refuges for yachts seeking shelter, especially during the South East Monsoon. A boat trip along the west coast, in order to access the park, offers a view of the Morne Seychellois peak, which is the highest in the Seychelles, as well as allowing glimpses of stunning, secluded beaches, otherwise inaccessible by road.
Designated on the 11th June 1979, the Baie Ternay Marine Park is 0.80km². Its white sandy and secluded beaches are idyllic spots for swimming, snorkeling, picnics and sunbathing.
How to get there
This Marine Park lies approximately 5km to the south west of the popular tourist area of Beau Vallon. With no coastal roads, access to the Marine Park is by sea only.
Local boat charters, dive operators and tour operators offer excursions to suit the needs of visitors and this service often includes barbecues and snorkeling.
To organise a visit, the best option is to book through licensed operators located on Beau Vallon or Port Launay beach. The entrance fee for the Port Launay and Baie Ternay Marine Parks combined is Rs200 for non-citizens above 12 years of age.
Browse our Baie Ternay Marine National Park leaflet for more information.